About Sophia's Crystal Journey
Hi and welcome to my place on the World Wide Web. Sophia's Crystal Journey is a service including many different types of psychic services with psychic art as the primary one but I also have 35 years experience providing Tarot, rune stone, palmistry, numerology and psychic sketches as well as psychic paintings. I've offered classes on the first three at Synchronicity Center in Burlington, Wisconsin and at Your Sacred Journey in Hales Comers, Wisconsin. I also have done individual, group, company and fair venues for readings. I've been a psychic reader for the Renaissance Fair at Bristol Wisconsin for about 10 years where the psychic art was very popular. There I more recently sold crystal wands, runic wands and walking sticks as well as offering crystal readings. The psychic paintings have been produced by order. The types of psychic art include past life, spirit guide, auric portrait and general sketches. The general sketches and paintings are very much like a reading, where instead of Tarot, palm, stones etc. For the interpretation, you interpret the image that appears. This I do through the persons name and date of birth. The interpretation of the images painted or sketched can provide answers to questions and can provide guidance in your journey through life.
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